My oldest son is turning 4 today! It has been such an amazing journey. I never thought that I would be a momma, but now that I am it is the most important thing to me. Our little man had a rocky start coming into the world as a preemie. We spent 3 weeks in NICU.

Then we took him home. Like most new parents we were like "Now what do we do??" But we slowly figured it out. We somehow made it through the sleepless nights, colic, sickness, teething, and those throw your arms in the air moments. He kept growing and we kept doing what we could to adapt and keep up.

Now here we are and he is such a big boy! He is becoming an independent preschooler. We are seeing him come out of his shell. He is one of the taller boys in his class and he is blossoming (can you say that about a boy?) into a social fellow. He is going to play soccer, he loves cars and trucks and things that go. He likes to hang with the guys and play Guitar Hero. He loves books and going to the park. He can be head strong one minute and the next you are getting a special hug. I am such a lucky momma!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY J.D. We love you very very much!!!!!
The big family party happens this weekend, so stay tuned for my adventure in preparing for the party and life as it happens!
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