Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fluffy Goodness

  I am such a joiner.  It seems like all the cool kids are making their own marshmallows today.  This is with good reason, they are amazing!! Any packaged marshmallows in the house are usually for kids only. After reading about the joy and YUMMY homemade marshmallows, I figured, why not try it??  So try I did.  Using the recipe found the always delicious blog Smitten Kitchen.  I went into the kitchen and began.
Boiling the sugar was the most scary for me.  I did NOT want to mess that up!
Of course one wants to be very careful when pouring that hot sugar onto the gelatin.  Yikes!
All set to chill in the fridge.  They boys were very good at checking on the pan to see how things were progressing.

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