This week the etsy bloggers are talking Diamonds and Daisies. April is finally here and I have to say that in my house, diamonds refer to the BASEBALL diamond. I am the only female in a home consisting of my baseball fanatic hubby and my two sons. Monday was opening day and my hubby and oldest son (3yrs old) sat on the couch and watched a game together. This father/son time is really so fun to watch. It is not the stats, the players, or even the game really that gets me all excited. It is seeing the happy looks in my boys eyes as they talk ball. It is so cheesy, but I love it when they wear their jersey's and support their teams (the cubbies and tigers). Mom and Dad kick off the season by watching some baseball movies like Field Of Dreams, A League Of Their Own, and Bull Durham ( I know there are LOTS more titles, but I was going for the classics). The kids get their own version of baseball friendly shows. This summer the boys will be headed out to real ball field to catch some real life action. Ahhh male bonding, truly a wife and mothers best friend!
Daisies make me think of my flower gardens. I love growing perennials, my yard is such a hodge podge of stuff, but sadly no daisies. My neighbor has given me many flowers from her gardens, my mom gives me a lot from her garden. My prized perennial is my orange poppy that I grew from seed. It is so delicate and pretty. Unfortunately, it only lasts a few days.
After a long cold, snowy winter here in West Michigan, the first signs of spring are a beautiful and welcoming sight. This year was no exception, my crocuses came up and even the kids were excited to tell me they saw my flowers growing.

This year, I am hoping to add a small vegetable garden. My parents always had a vegetable garden, and I hated being sent out to weed or pick the beans. Now as an adult I love to go out and dig in the dirt and feel a sense of accomplishment when I am done. I now appreciate the hard work and labor of love my parents went through to plan, plant and grow the garden. I hope some day my kids will too. (Although I hope they appreciate it a bit sooner than me!)
I loved reading about your whole family bonding ritual with baseball. Baseball diamonds never occurred to me so how surprising and cool!
I like your "twist" on diamonds! Very cute!
Family, gardens, baseball - all great connections to the theme. Thanks for taking part in this carnival.
Good read, loved the baseball angle :-) Thanks for participating!
Yes, my first thought was dungeons and dragons. hehe. I love seeing my 23 mos old Joey with his Dada, it's so special.
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