Wednesday, April 28, 2010


  The other day the kids and I went to our library to see what we could see.  In all the wonderful stacks of books I came across Handmade Home by Amanda Blake Soule.  I cannot tell you how much I love this book.  There is such a great mix of things to do with the kids, for kids, for others, for yourself.  Fantastic.  The best part is that you use what you have, what you thrift, what you find. 
 I am thinking that a paper mache bowl for the boys to keep all those spare Lego pieces in would be good.  Those little bits wander ALL over house.  There is a wonderful beach blanket that I have my eye on making as well.  Actually,  there is much I have my eye on.  Rather than try and cram it into the time allowed by the library, a book purchase maybe in order.  Isn't that the beauty of trying out craft books from your local library?!  If you love a book, just maybe it works its way into your home permanently.

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