Sunday, November 21, 2010

New Yoga Kicks

New Yoga Kicks
Originally uploaded by doodlesprouts
Broke down and got a pair of those goofy shoes. We sell them where I work and for the longest time I just could not get on board with this crazy shoe. However, I was challenged to use a pair. Since I don't run, (knee injury) I could not figure out how I could incorporate a pair into my life. Of course Vibram thought of everything and entered the yoga market.

So, there became my challenge. I acquired a pair and put them to the test. I have to say that they perform really well. No more slipping on the mat. For hot yoga that is a nice plus. They are comfy and actually this particular style (Perfoma Jane) is kind of cute. I did not find them to hard to get into and they stay in place great.

Goes to show that maybe I need to work at keeping a more open mind about things. It was a pleasant surprise and I plan on continuing to use these crazy cuties.

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